Los archivos responden a un criterio geográfico. Mediante el menú arriba, seleccione el país donde se dictó el taller de danza para acceder al resumen redactado en el idioma en el cual se dio el taller.
Barefoot Flamenco workshops organised around the UK:
an annual review
[2014/15] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]
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October 11th-13th 2013: Kinloss and Findhorn, Morayshire, Scotland
Friday workshop: introduction to Barefoot Flamenco
Arms and hands: Madredeus (CD O espiritu da paz) Ajuda
Technique: Jesse Cook (CD the blue guitar sessions) Broken Moon
Footwork and claps: 4/4 Saidi rhythm.
Saturday workshop: Earth-Water-Air-Fire...dance alchemy
EARTH: 4/4 Saidi rhythm
- Luciano Bertoluzzi (CD Ritmos del Medio Oriente) Saidi
- Osvaldo Brandan (CD todos los ritmos arabes) Saidi - FIRE: L'Attirail (CD Cinéma Ambulant) Disco Tel-Aviv
- WATER: Armand Amar (CD Moving Music) Iananna
- AIR: Oneira (CD Si la mar) Bahar
Sequence, the four together
- Hazem Shaheen (CD Music for the Kabbala / Atzilut) Syrtos
- Ana Alcaide (CD La cantiga del fuego) baila donde el mar (dancing by the sea).
At the end of SUN FYRE dynamic workshop called Celtic Gypsy Skirt Dance!
Sunday workshop: rumba flamenca...Ole!
El Kado (CD Tourbillon) Evasion
El Kado (CD Al Andalus) Al Andalus
Tony Gatlif (CD Vengo) Arriconamela
2/4 ADANI rhythm: Dum Y Dum Tac!
August 17th 2013: Axminster, Devon
Barefoot Flamenco workshop
Warm up: Keyvan Chemirani (CD Melos) Nanas
Technique (marcajes): Renaud Garcia-Fons (CD La linea del Sur) Agua dulce
Arms: Oneira (CD Si la mar) Bahar
Rhythm exercises (4/4): L'Arpeggiata (CD Mediterraneo) Thalassa Lypisou
Footwork: Boris Kovac + Ladaaba Orchest (CD The Last Balkan Tango) Tango Apocalypso
Choreography: Jadid Ensemble (CD sigh of the moor) Tango Arabe.
August 2013: Summer Intensives, The Place, London
Barefoot Flamenco 5-day course
Renaud Garcia-Fons (CD La linea del Sur) Agua dulce
Oneira (CD Si la mar) Bahar
Rhythm exercises:
L'Arpeggiata (CD Mediterraneo) Thalassa Lypisou
Boris Kovac + Ladaaba Orchest (CD The Last Balkan Tango) Tango Apocalypso
Tango de Málaga
Juan de Lerida (CD Noche en blanco) Puertas de Otoño
The Edge of Heaven (soundtrack) Ta Travudia
May 2013: Tribal Remix, Brighton
Barefoot Flamenco workshop
From motionless to animated feet: how to create a visible dynamic!
Valerie Romanin will introduce the participants to her own creative technique titled Barefoot Flamenco.
This course will focus on creating marked contrast between immobility, slow motion, agile footwork, spacious travelling steps and precise spins.
She will teach short routines that cover from almost imperceptible moves to generous movements aiming to visibly feature time and space into dance!
Warm up: Oneira (CD Si la mar) Bahar
Arms: Jesse Cook (CD The Blue Guitar Sessions) Ocean blue
Footwork: Boris Kovac et Ladaaba Orchest (CD The Last Balkan Tango) Rumbatto
and 2-beat rhythm KARATCHI
Choreography: Rosa Negra (CD Fado Ladino) Deserto de Rosas.
Easter 2013: 1st-3rd April 2013, SWC, Brixton
Barefoot Flamenco Easter Intensive.
Monday April 1st, 2-5pm
Earth-Water-Air-Fire: Dance alchemy!
How to translate the four elements into dance?
This workshop is to be experienced as a journey through each element using movements of Barefoot Flamenco, Middle Eastern Dance and Gypsy dances.
It aims to turn the diverse interpretations into a creative choreography. This workshop offers an opportunity to balance moves, shapes, perceptions and senses.
Hazem Shaheen (CD Music for the Kabbala / Atzilut) Syrtos
Tuesday, April 2nd (part 1) & Wednesday, April 3rd (part 2), 7-9pm
Barefoot Flamenco Drum Solo
Arabic rhythms interpreted in a flamenco way - practical tips, foot patterns, travelling steps, spinning techniques and a whole routine!
An indispensable workshop for anyone who wishes to enhance his dance vocabulary and increase his understanding of rhythms.
2-beat rhythms ADANI and MALFUF
4-beat rhythms MAQSOUM and SOMBATI
8-beat rhythm MASMOUDI
Tim Garside / Garsaaidi (CD Basic Combinations) Maqsoum Masmoudi Malfuf